Stanford Quads "Club Chatter"

February 2005


(Originally written for publication in The Prompter.)

At the Running Bear Hoedown on 8 January, Jim Davis, Joe Dehn, Dolores Ferrero, John Flora, Mary Gingell, Pat Ho, Andy Hohenner, Dodie Hoover, Bill Hoover, Emma Jellesed, Sue Lietz-Davis, and Bill van Melle did the Running Bear tip in a hexagon (successfully). Also attending this hoedown were Michael Egan, Phoebe Johnson, Jim Jones, Betsy Lasarow-Tozzi, Gretchen Leavitt, Luise Linney, Dana Mirsalis, Daniel Mirsalis, Cathy Shih, Todd Sprenkle, Debbie Winnett, and our caller John Sybalsky.

Our class is progressing nicely. As of mid-January, they had finished most of the Mainstream calls and already learned more than half a dozen from the Plus list.